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- PLAY! Clubs Newsletter - July
PLAY! Clubs Newsletter - July

Hello Clubers! Another month has rolled around, so our newsletter is here to delight our community with a 5-minute read about news and updates of PLAY! Clubs, as well as introduce team members and share fun facts.
What did we do this month?
The founder team was bustling managing the overall performance of the team. If you ever think that being a leader is an easy task, most likely, the founder team will have one (or more) words about it. Agree tested the payment UI, created a teaser DAO to prove and introduce new concepts (Incubation DAO he called, sounds exciting right?) and still have time to recommend to the team Hideo Kojima’s podcast “Brain Structures”. On the other hand, Mayu was testing some UX improvements for Clubs to increase user satisfaction and advance usability. She wants creators to start memberships with image options to… (News under developing).
The business team is a machine for exploring opportunities, as Kaoru is talking with 25 different companies to engage and manage their communities with Clubs and answering tons of inquiries from interested parties about the possibility of setting up DAOs using Clubs. Also, in most cases, they need some business consultations to learn what extension Clubs’ features can radically change the way they are interacting with their audience. But, of course, Kaoru still was conducting the Weekly Study Sessions with +150 views. Here you have the links to relive each session:
Session 4 | Featured guest: Miho Shimizu | https://rb.gy/pz0wy
Session 5 | Featured guest: Yuko Kato | https://rb.gy/4lwtv
Session 6 | Featured guest: Kota Futamura | https://rb.gy/xx0p9
Session 7 | Featured guests: Aggre and Kawakami | https://rb.gy/76vtv
Kaoru will continue the discussion with various partners about the launch of new DAO communities using Clubs, which is a game-changer for the current industry.
The product team was busy dealing with wrapping up the smart contract coding and smart contract testing for Credit Card (CC) integration, getting a big chunk of code done for the dev kit to use the new smart contracts with the UI. There were some small delays as some refinements to the JPY-to-Matic were necessary. Soon they should be able to test CC payments on Mainnet (and Testnet), and then after that launch. Also, the product team has enough space on their agenda to work on the Posts plugin. The task list is coming along nicely, so they are hoping to roll out this feature soon.
The governance team was dealing with three fronts: organizing the sandbox application process, kicking off the work of the governance implementation roadmap, and researching KYC standards. The three activities are focused on making Clubs a safer environment for creators and their communities! By the way, do you know that only 11% of crypto-related projects in the US implemented a governance protocol? That is simply too low!
Working in a startup can be a unique experience as the amount of team effort directly translates to the overall output of the business. However, 69% of employees are experiencing burnout symptoms. Hence, to avoid falling into burning ourselves, the team enjoyed the Japanese holiday of Sea Day on 17 July with a break!
Allow us to introduce you to…
Mayumi Hara, our CEO. Some of you may know that Dev Protocol started in 2018 with Mayumi's vision and Aggre's architects coming together. Creating something new is a courageous adventure, but they enjoy living with their daughter by the beautiful ocean 🏖.
Stay tuned for more updates, events, and opportunities to connect and learn in the PLAY! Clubs community!
The DEV Protocol team