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- Community Newsletter - April
Community Newsletter - April

Hi Clubbers! Another month down on the books of time, meaning two things: you are one month older and the community newsletter is here to give a glimpse into how everything is going with Clubs.
Check April’s progress
The past week the 713th Club was officially activated.
The YoY April growth in property tokens reached 37.5%.
Out Tweets had 18% more impressions than last month with a 4% of engagement rate.
The verdict of this month is: Medium Positive
Know about what we have up to
The founders, as always, used various hats to complete an infinite to-do list. Besides leading the product and PR team, they are designing the Clubs’ strategy and fundraising documents in preparation for several meetings with prospective investors. Do not forget that Frame00, the legal entity behind DEV Protocol’s flagship product of Clubs, is a startup that needs to complete funding rounds. Hence, to persuade investors, the vision of Clubs will focus on empowering individuals to create their own economy with no-code tools in the Web3. Wish the founders luck on this critical endeavor!
Business team
As team members aim in the same direction, Kaoru was busy designing the future Clubs’ membership plans. With a comprehensive methodology based on the cost structure, he came out with three categories that will be publicly disclosed in some time. He is also joining the founder team during meetings to give business-perspective advice. Besides, the business team took care of the customer’s follow-up of Metawater and Crypto Café to ensure optimal performance and experience.
Governance team
The governance team continued its task of developing the Web3 report series. Mariko and the team will conclude the series with the following chapters:
Web3 Report - Part 3 “Clubs Governance"
Web3 Report - Part 4 ”Web3: Current regulatory landscape”
The series will end soon, so do not you dare to miss the final delivery.
Discover what is new in Clubs
Besides other complementary activities, the product team dealt with three fronts: Achievements, Passports, and Huddle01.
For the achievements plug-in, a demo was prepared for the whole team to be on the same page, and further testing was made to follow a QA process. Achievements follow a gamification strategy to enable creators ways to incentivize their fans. More news will come!
The Passport feature was officially added so that card-holders can manage their memberships, check their Clubs’ activities, collect cards, and show off their progress to friends.
Huddle01 was a major improvement for Clubs as it added powerful communication functionalities, replicating instant videotelephony. Now creators can collaborate with colleagues, host virtual meetings, or catch up with friends.
Some other complementary activities involved:
Through the localization feature, the Japanese language was added to the memberships setup flow, Posts and Voting. Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu to the product team!
A migration from the Mumbai to Polygon testnet is underway. This will entail redeploying contracts and updating UIs.
Debugging, debugging, and more debugging. Yash, Stu, and Shubham were busy fixing some annoying bugs in the process of creating new Clubs, UI in general, DB, Posts, and Dynamic Wallet integration.
As social media plays a pivotal role in the development of Clubs, several “Share on [Insert your favorite Social Network]” will arrive soon. The latest was “Share on X”.
Meet a DEV member
Kaoru Kimura, Business Development and Partnership Manager of FRAME00 Inc. Joined FRAME00 in 2022. He lives in Tokyo, loves music and books, and lives with his three dogs. He used to be a backpacker, wandering around Asia and the US. Kaoru constantly searches for "one value" that will change the world.
Stay tuned for more updates and events in the Clubs community!
The DEV Protocol team.