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- Clubs Newsletter - June
Clubs Newsletter - June

Hi Clubbers! Building out Clubs took another month, and naturally, the most recent news of the community newsletters is here for you. Take a 5-minute detour from your daily schedule to learn about Clubs' most recent advancements.
Check June’s progress
A total of 760 Clubs are created with around 5% of them with at least one member.
Clubs surpassed the 400th member last month, growing 15%.
The community newsletter reached its 12th edition. Since last year +2K unique openers were informed about the latest Clubs’ news.
The impressions on LinkedIn have grown by 13% since May.
The verdict of this month is: Positive.
Know about what we have up to
Along with developing fun and exciting features, founders must take care of business perspectives. One of them is the market. How exactly do they know what creators need in the beginning? One simple answer is research, research and, you guessed it right, more research! This month the founder team focused on redefining the creator's profile and characteristics, calculating the market size accordingly. Do you want one last sneak peek? Intellectual Property (IP) is the set of words that are frequently used. Also, Mayumi signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with a stellar entertainment company, marking the first step of a game-changing partnership. More news is under development! Finally, the founders were making some tweaks to the web page and investor’s deck to properly reflect the changes discussed during the second quarter.
Business team
Kaoru, the Business Developer Manager, is starting conversations with major players in the Clubs community to incentivize the use of Invitations and Achievements, the two latest new features. These Clubs, besides having a large community under their sleeve, are enthusiastic about adding more people to their wagon, so sending a personalized gift is the perfect match for that idea. In addition, an important task of business is to constantly assess the competition. Hence, the business team did thoughtful research about the competitive advantages of Clubs-like products. Sometimes the research may involve contacting current customers to get insights and talk about Clubs ;).
Governance team
This month the governance team, led by Mariko, performed some supportive tasks. like helping with market research, adding new features to the Charmverse help page, and testing new incoming features. The market research took several variables that acted as filters of a funnel, concluding that there are +350M creators and businesses with the dire need of Clubs. The help page was summarized to make it more straightforward and simple. If you have any feedback, please share it with us through Discord. Finally, Achievements and Invitations are bug-free to be on your hands (or keyboard) soon!
Discover what is new in Clubs
A professor at the university once told me that, it does not matter that something works, it must look nice. This month the product team followed that advice, and worked on Clubs UX, especially on the onboarding, posts, and Admin page.
Some miscellaneous improvements were post deletion (Admin can now delete posts), adding to the calendar (Huddle01 video calls can now be added to your favorite calendar), and Japanese localization (if you are in Japan, probably the welcome message will be like this ようこそ).
Invitations and Achievements, probably the most mentioned words in this newsletter, are coming soon! The team focused on testing and debugging to have everything ready for the release date.
The ecosystem fee was finally introduced. A 2.5% transaction fee on membership purchases as an Ecosystem Fee for a 15% or lower staking fee. Along with this news, paid plans were also introduced with three simple tiers, allowing creator to suit their expectations. If you want to know more, please follow this page.
Stay tuned for more updates and events in the Clubs community!
The DEV Protocol team